Get to know where we´ve been featured
Over the 10-year journey, there were many articles featured in which we were mentioned. Find more about it!

Global Traveler Magazine
An article about the Architecture of São Paulo written by Byron Bernthal journalist, reccomends Around SP´s Architecture Tour (see article on page 68).

Sky Magazine - Delta Airlines
Some of our Tours in São Paulo were recommended at SKY magazine, from Delta Airlines

The New York Times
"36 hours in São Paulo" written by journalist Seth Kugel, features Around SP´s Street Tour within São Paulo.

USA Today
"10 Best Cities to see Street Art", written by Larry Bleiberg, lists São Paulo as one of the Best places in the world to see Street Art and recommends Around SP´s services.

Sawubona Magazine / Food & the Fabulous
"Art and About in Vila Madalena", article written by Ishay Govender-Ypma, speaking about Vila Madalena neighborhood, recommending Around SP tour company

Veja São Paulo
Article about Tour Guides specialized in receiving foreigners that visit São Paulo, written by journalist Raquel Grisotto, who has joined one of our Tours.

FAB Senior Travel
Annie Coburn, has taken our Street Art Tour in São Paulo and wrote an article over Fab´s Senior Blog about it.

Pequenas Empresas, Grandes Negócios
Around SP was involved in this video production about the potential of the Tourism industry in São Paulo for small companies

O Estado de São Paulo
"Do Pacaembu ao Grajaú: 10 tours vão revelar a cidade" was a program created by Around SP in order to promote alternative tours in São Paulo, for locals

C&S Fecomercio Magazine
"Novo Olhar sobre São Paulo" was an article featured at the Brazilian Commerce federation´s magazine, mentioning Around SP´s tour company.